16 May 2008

One Thousand Gifts List

1. the giggles of a one-year old

2. bellies full of spring's berries

3. family laughter and games-- one-year old style

4. kicking signs of eagerness for life's adventures from within the womb

5. letting home-made dough rise, covered in a towel and set to warmly rest

6. first mumblings of sweet "i love you"s, "please"s, and "thank you"s

7. rich encouragement and Godly inspiration from strangers

8. busy little hands, hard at play

9. the novelty of old ideas, recreated by little minds

10. the tendernesss of silent understanding and loving response

11. daily discipline and commitment to work hard out of love for your family

12. garden freshly planted in the dark, rich earth



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