6 months
joshua is now 28.5 inches tall, which means that he is still in the 97th percentile for his height. he is the height of an average 10 month old! he is also just under 20 pounds, which means he's in the 75th percentile for his weight. he is growing so fast!
i took joshua for his 6 month appointment yesterday. it is amazing how time flies! he is already 1/2 year old! we're gonna have to start thinking about his first birthday soon! he'll also be walking soon, which will make him a "toddler", not a baby anymore. goodness!
he brings so much joy to our lives. there's nothing like waking up in the morning to the sounds of a little boy excited about the start of a new day, as he squeals and babbles. one of the songs his cd sings, "this is the day that the Lord has made! i will rejoice and be glad in it!" joshua does just that: he is rejoicing over the new day! it is such a refreshing way to wake. it is amazing how much a parent can love a child. just listening to him breathe is enough to make our hearts melt. what a gift!
i took joshua for his 6 month appointment yesterday. it is amazing how time flies! he is already 1/2 year old! we're gonna have to start thinking about his first birthday soon! he'll also be walking soon, which will make him a "toddler", not a baby anymore. goodness!
he brings so much joy to our lives. there's nothing like waking up in the morning to the sounds of a little boy excited about the start of a new day, as he squeals and babbles. one of the songs his cd sings, "this is the day that the Lord has made! i will rejoice and be glad in it!" joshua does just that: he is rejoicing over the new day! it is such a refreshing way to wake. it is amazing how much a parent can love a child. just listening to him breathe is enough to make our hearts melt. what a gift!
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