11 December 2006

Happy Birthday, Mike!!

Dear Mike,

This has been such an awesome year, and it's still just the beginning-- how amazing. I am still just getting used to the fact that not only do i get to be with such a great guy, but i am actually married to him... and he loves me... and we get to hang out together... or even do our own things... but most of all, we get to be together. i love spending time with you, whether we're being silly or serious, and even just every day things. i wouldn't trade the life we have now for anything.

and, now, you are a father. you are such a great father to joshua, and have been such a wonderful husband as i've been getting the hang of being a mom and therefore being 'on call' 24 hours a day. even though you can't really help with those middle of the night feedings, you always seem to be a step ahead of me in other ways: those saturday mornings when you would take joshua downstairs so i could get a few more hours of sleep, and when you watch joshua so i can go run. you are so thoughtful and always make sure both joshua and i are taken care of.

i love watching you with him. it's so cute so see you both smile and laugh while you make silly faces and when we make up silly songs to sing for joshua. we have so much fun! i'm gonna love it as joshua gets older and can run and play, and when we can go on family hikes and a christmas tree that's just decorated on the bottom, but i'm in no hurry because i love what we have now. we have so much fun together.

you are so wonderful. i couldn't ask for more. i love you so much!



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