12 December 2007

Joshua's 15 month appointment

we just got back from joshua's 15 month doctor's appointment. joshua is 27.5 pounds and 33 inches tall! this puts him in the 95th percentile for his height and 75th percentile for his weight. he is a very consistent grower. his percentiles have been the same for his whole life! people mistakingly think he's a 2 year old, and, according to the doctor, he's the size of an average 21 month old. so, that is why he's in 2T clothes! he's looking great though, he's a healthy boy.

the nurse thought i was a bit crazy when i told her i'd been rubbing him down with olive oil because his skin and head has been so dry. she suggested some various creams. then, she quietly told the doctor about this crazy mama on the other side of the door, but as soon as he heard, he surprised her because he thought that was a great idea! then he came in and asked me all the particulars. we always talk about my natural lifestyle, and he always has great ideas to add, too. i really like this doctor, but unfortunately, the rest of his practice is not at all like him. i found out today that the other doctor there i like is no longer there.

joshua got his 2nd shot today, DTaP (diptheria, tetanus, and acellular pertussis). [we waited until he turned 1 before we started his shots, and, we're doing them one at a time. we won't do all of them though, like chicken pox.] he did well... he only cried for a second, and that may have only been because he had to sit still for a minute.

the doctor and nurse both warned me about the temper tantrums that are on their way in the very near future. kicking, screaming, pinching, pulling hair, biting, and hitting... apparently would all be a very normal part of a 15-month old's life. he doesn't seem to be bad right now at all. he's very predictable, he listens and obeys, he will play quietly by himself, he only throws tantrums when he's hungry or tired, he's easily distractable/re-directable. he's a lot better now than he was at 12 months, but this could be the calm before the storm. every time i finally feel like everything is blissfully under control, something new and even more challenging comes my way. now, of course this will probably happen while we're away for Christmas, just as i've been thinking what a great time we're all going to have, especially since joshua is at such a fun stage. we'll see in a week and a half. it is nice to be fore-warned in this case so we can be sure to deal with them appropriately from the beginning. at the very least we can ride the wave, rather that get engulfed by it.

anyway, he's such a sweet boy. he loves to love and be loved, he loves to please and do the right thing... (don't we all? ) he loves to clap his hands and dance, or spin himself in circles and fall over. he loves to run or climb higher than everyone else. he loves books and animals. and cars and trains. and firetrucks. he's such a boy!


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