23 February 2007

Joshua (around 5.5 months)

joshua can now sit by himself

he squeals and screeches-- those are his favorite sounds. he'll lie on his back and play with his feet while he listens to his own squeals. he does it even more if you squeal back to him.

he pushes himself backwards if you put him on the floor. mike says there's something wrong with his transmission-- he only goes in reverse. does that count as crawling?

his eyes are still blue/grey. they can still change, but that is unlikely at this point.

he scratches the top of his head when he's tired.

he only cries when he's hungry or tired

he LOVES red. he wants to touch anything that's red. if you give him several things, he'll always choose the red one.

he likes to 'practice' drinking from a cup, especially if you are. he puts it in his mouth just like he's supposed to

he is very ticklish, especially his back and feet

he is very content

he is extremely observant. he's always looking around (and never sleeps because of this!)

he HATES his nose or mouth wiped. who doesn't?

he sleeps only on his belly, and falls asleep best if you will jiggle his butt a little.

he is a light sleeper

he will stop crying if you play his veggie tales cd

he seems pretty patient, especially if you can distract him.

he likes being outside, but he doesn't like the process of getting bundled up

his cutest times are when he first wakes up. i know when to go get him when i hear him squealing to himself in glee

he would rather chew on YOUR finger than on his own. (those teeth are sharp!)

he loves worship at church

he loves fire

he likes books, but he tries to eat them when you turn the pages

he likes it when you sing to him or when you do silly dances

he's not much for sitting still

his hair is starting to stick straight up as its growing thicker

while some babies poop once a day or every few days, joshua poops 5 times a day. he is a well-oiled machine, i guess.

he kicks his legs like he's riding a bicycle and moves his arms rapidly up and down when he is naked. (who doesn't?) FREEDOM!

taking care of the small things

lately, God has really been teaching me about taking care of the small things He has given me. i have many dreams that i believe God also wants for me and my family, and sometimes i begin to feel like i am waiting until the timing is right. however, God gave me a new perspective on these dreams.

we have a wonderful home and we really do love it, but as most couples, we dream to someday own a house. not just any house, but a small timberframe in the woods with lots of land, including an open hillside filled with wildflowers. i'd like a long driveway that climbs up to our house and a big barn that will be mike's shop. and, mike, it's ok if the barn is bigger than the house. for some reason, i truly believe this will happen and that the scene will be exactly as described.

in the meantime, God spoke to me about caring for our current home. it's not that i wasn't taking care of it, but just that my perspective on caring for it was wrong. i thought i was cleaning, sorting, and organizing for us and for any guests that come, but that was wrong. i need to be caring for it simply because God gave it to me! if I don't care for the smaller things He has given me, how will He give me anything more? i need to honor God in the way that I care for our house. boy, did that change not only my perspective, but also the level of cleanliness and organization with which this household is now run.

this carries over into all things. do you pray for a different job/career someday? well, how are you handling your current job? are you putting in 110%? what's your attitude like? are you honoring God with all your thoughts and actions?

do you pray for your perfect soulmate? how are your other relationships? have you cut out all gossip? how do you treat strangers? are you being a servant? are you honoring God in the way you handle all people?

i'm not saying that you need to be perfect in order for God to bless you with more. that's impossible and ridiculous. what i am saying is that those who honor God, God will honor (1Samuel 2:30).