25 May 2008

28. long weekends to hang out with family.

29. growing seedlings, anxious for flowers and fruit.

30. sewing machines to make my little boy and new baby each a quilt.

31. friends that know your heart and really just want to bless you.

32. friends that call on you, even if it's just to water their garden while they're away.

33. friends that bring over sweet watermelon.

34. family, always seeking ways to help.

35. requests for ice cream at 8 am-- a reminder that it's never too soon to bless someone.

36. 2-week old goslings at the pond.

37. mike's pancakes every saturday morning.

38. late-night working at the kitchen table beside mike-- together but each focused on our own project.

39. the peace of a quiet house as we all take a mid-aftenoon nap.

40. awakening to a little voice requesting ice cream yet again-- atleast this time it's afternoon.

41. reminders that there's always ice cream at grandma's house.


18 May 2008

19. the rapids on the River of Life

20. earthly examples of Scripture

21. that the River of God brings life to all things

22. that the River can flow through us

23. that our God is a personal God

24. afternoon picnics along the riverbanks

25. the splash of rocks thrown by little fingers into the water

26. mumblings of car noises while hard at play

27. girls' night out for coffee


17 May 2008

13. a surprise handmade gift from my husband, brought home from work early on a friday afternoon

14. the rejuvenating process of sorting and organizing years' worth of books and paper (apparently, my nesting instincts are kicking in a little early this time)

15. a few quiet minutes alone in the house on a late Saturday afternoon

16. productive weekends, together with the family

17. gifts of freshly picked flowers from my son, desiring to bring joy to his mama's heart

18. extra long afternoon naps


16 May 2008

One Thousand Gifts List

1. the giggles of a one-year old

2. bellies full of spring's berries

3. family laughter and games-- one-year old style

4. kicking signs of eagerness for life's adventures from within the womb

5. letting home-made dough rise, covered in a towel and set to warmly rest

6. first mumblings of sweet "i love you"s, "please"s, and "thank you"s

7. rich encouragement and Godly inspiration from strangers

8. busy little hands, hard at play

9. the novelty of old ideas, recreated by little minds

10. the tendernesss of silent understanding and loving response

11. daily discipline and commitment to work hard out of love for your family

12. garden freshly planted in the dark, rich earth
